Have a real conversation

Wellony is a place for real conversation with friends, near and far. Record and trade thoughts with the people who matter most. We help you share, listen, and respond to build deep relationships.

A Space for Deeper Discussions

Wellony helps you capture thoughts and find the right people to share them with. The result: honest, human conversations with the people closest to you — wherever they are.

Think Out Loud

Record your voice to share what’s on your mind and get thoughtful responses from friends. Easier than a phone call or video chat, but still very personal.

Relationships, Not Status

No followers. No likes. Just share, listen, and respond.

Stay Connected, Stay Informed

Make hearing from your circle as easy as playing a podcast. Then, talk back. We manage your community so you don't have to.

Private or Public

Share with the world or just a select few. You control who sees your posts.